Monday, September 14, 2009

Aussie Stereotypes - The Real Truth

Because Australia seems so far away from the center of the universe that most Americans live in, I can understand why so many rumours and stereotypes have arisen about this wonderful place that have absolutely no basis in reality...wait - strike that...that have a very limited basis in any kind of reality.  Throw in the mix a bit of clever marketing and a really good movie character (Croc Dundee baby!) and it's impossible to know what's real and what's been sold as real to us gullible Americans.  So as a service to those of you considering making the move to Oz or even those of you who've promised to visit me here with no actual intention of doing so (you lie Obama!), I've attemped to sort out myth from reality, fact from fiction and lies from the truth about some of the top misconceptions about Oz.

(1) Outback Steakhouse, with it's delectable Bloomin' Onions, has no actual ties to Australia (sorry Mom).  I've yet to see a Bloomin Onion on the menu since I've been here.

(2) No one...I repeat, NO ONE in Oz drinks Fosters beer.  Only deluded beer drinkers  in the States who think they're getting a "real taste of Australia" drink that piss water.  Aussies much prefer local brews that can be found in every bar like Corona, Stella Artois and beers from "across the Tassie" like Boags.  (For the uninitiated the "Tassie" is the Tasmanian Strait and somewhere on the other side of it they apparently make beer - at least according to the commericial I saw.)

(3) Fact - Aussies do like their shrimp on the barbie!!  Of course they like their "steak on the barbie", "hamburgers on the barbie" and "sausages on the barbie" just as much.  This embellishment comes down to a bit of marketing genius served up by my man Mick Dundee back in the '80s.  A bit of an update on Mick for you guys.  Mick has given up the outback life and now lives here in the big city running a park called Dundeeland (kind of like Dollywood) for underpriviledged private school kids in Sydney. (wink wink) Here's a link to one of the classic Aussie Tourism spots featuring Mick. Throw an Extra Shrimp on the Barbie

(4) Australia is a country people.  It is HUGE.  Just because you know someone here doesn't mean I can just pop down to Adelaide or jump over to Melbourne and grab a coffee with them.  That's like me telling you to meet up with my friend in Alaska b/c "I think you guys would just really get along".  There's 4 million people in Sydney - let's keep it local hey?

(5) Fact - the toilet bowl does flush in the opposite direction in the Southern Hemisphere from the the Northern Hemisphere.  It has to do with the gravitational field and how it affects the water that causes this phenomena.  We see the same effect with Cyclones.  Ok, not really but you believed me for a second! (although cyclones do spin the opposite direction)

(6) Fact - there are sharks in the waters off the coast of Oz and every so often they nip a surfer.  Unfortunately you're more likely to end up in the hospital from one of the 8 zillion poisonous spiders, lizards and snakes that live in your backyard, window sills, and car visor than you are to get eaten by a shark.  The up side is I've yet to see, hear or read a story about a Black surfer being attacked by a shark.  Actually, if I think about it, that may be because I've yet to see a Black surfer...hmmm, coincidence?

(7) Finally, the creme de la creme of Aussie rumours (at least amongst a vocal and highly curious subset of my readers).  This rumour is perpetrated by a small subset of brothas who have travelled to Oz or been recruited site unseen to play pro basketball here. Do Aussie women really love brothas from the States?  After a fair amount of scientific research the answer is - ABSOLUTELY YES!!!  Just ask my wife. (note: results of this study are based wholly on a sample size of 1)

Black2Oz - out.

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  1. Good stuff, Chris. I will be sure to follow. Any Polocks down there?

  2. Maybe the reason there is no reporting on a black surfer being attacked by a shark is...the reporter mistakenly thought it was a seal that was attacked...

    Only a yellow person can make this comment...and I'm not leaving my name here...

  3. hahaha. Soley a sample size of 1 indeed!

    How bout mad props for perfect language and accent. Loving it babe. oxox

  4. hahaha solely a sample size of 1 indeed!!

    Love it babe, I'd love it even more if I actually saw you put a toe in the water, give brotha surfers a chance. Just a suggestion- 35 here is around 80 at home....that's warm enough to go swimming... even in the ocean! oxox

  5. Stella and Corona.... Hmm, not very local ;) How about the old 'Blonde' or Coopers or heaps of others...

  6. Haha good stuff cuz, Fact #7 might be reason enough to come visit!

  7. Haha good stuff cuz, Fact #7 might be reason enough to come visit!

  8. Don't forget, Jonesy: shrimps are called prawns down here.

    When you gonna write a column on why everything is so damn expensive down here. I went to buy the new Mos Def cd yesterday... $23.99! Are u shi$#in' me??? I guess I gotta send it over from Amazon for $11.99. Fu$# a carbon footprint!

    Nicely done, man. Look forward to the next posting.

  9. Don't forget, Jonesy: shrimps are called prawns down here.

    When you gonna write a column on why everything is so damn expensive down here. I went to buy the new Mos Def cd yesterday... $23.99! Are u shi$#in' me??? I guess I gotta send it over from Amazon for $11.99. Fu$# a carbon footprint!

    Nicely done, man. Look forward to the next posting.

  10. Love it! Although I'm a little bummed out that Foster's isn't really a beer. I need to hear more about the Aborigines, I'm fascinated by them. And, what about Boomerang's...are they toys you see flying around all the time?

  11. Hey Ku! I know that's you Mr. Yellow man! Kowalski - I'll keep an eye out for any Polocks...haven't seen anyone looking lost lately though. Dre - I'll put Blair on researching the boomerang thing - give him something to do other than bitch about prices! JT - how do you say 'sarcasm' in Danish??

  12. You're a funny guy Jones, but a little geographical school'n for ya mate (hate to see you get a rep for inaccurate references). "Tassie" refers to the island off the Sth Eastern coast called Tasmania. Great beer makers there too. Its residents genetic mixes are sometimes (jokingly of course) brought into question. The body of water that lies between it and the mainland is known as "Bass Strait". There you go! You're a bit more Australian now.
    Also .... weathers gett'n warmer.... We're goin surf'n soon mate. I'll be sure to bring the video camera and the shark repellant.

  13. Ahhh, the Bass Strait....I stand corrected!

  14. What......? No response about the surfing? I'm guessing that means you're all good and up for it without hesitation! Cooooool.

  15. Is that a challenge Holmesy? Be careful writing checks your body can't cash!

  16. Damn straight it's a challenge Jones.
    Chronologicaly you may have it on me, but this body is fir'n up to prove itself as the superior fitness specimen. Careful with the wisecracks too or I'll dribble out that soccer ball and give you another shin-bashing just like on the beach that time!!!

  17. Jonesy there is always a board here in terrigal for you to use if the surfs too big for old holmesy..Nice blog mate..interesting perspective. keep it comin. melv

  18. hint hint - it's a Ms. Yellow woman...
